Monday, July 13, 2015

Keeping Track Of The Future

Back at it, after a great Homegrown 4th of July barbeque in Old Town Fort Collins.  I have had the pleasure of gathering with many of the same people for 3 decades. We've all laughed and cried and celebrated our lives together.  It’s been a wonderful place to have spent the last 36 years!  Thank you for the memories, my friends. 

Now, to the Future!
Soooooooo  much to do when merging!  Either on the highway, walking the streets of New York or 
finding a parking space at your local Library.  For Rand-Scot, the strategies are the same.  

Stop. Look. Listen. Make a Plan. Move Ahead!

We are now in the Moving Ahead category. Rand-Scot is now fully ‘housed’ in a new location by the old Fort Collins’ airport.  We are merging soon with Enable, Inc, another durable medical equipment 
company, as well as Design Metals Manufacturing.  This IS, indeed, the start of something big!

Rand-Scot is still the same, but changing with the times.  The internet has become so many things. The greatest research aid above all.  Which in turn makes the internet the supreme marketing and 

advertising tool in the whole history of the WORLD!!

Moving Ahead brings us into the realm of building new Marketing Infrastructures.  There’s a whole new kind of cyber-world out there for us ‘boomers’ to learn who weren't given a computer moments after we were born!  I think my biggest task is to learn how not to be an obnoxious advertiser! These ‘pop-ups’ from other marketer’s make me want to close my computer down.  Is that a generational thing?  Do our millennials care that there’s so much movement on the screen from ads popping up almost no matter where we are on the internet, no matter what we're researching?  It's amazing that we ever get anything done! 

Our long term regular staff here at Rand-Scot, is learning a lot of new things from our new digital 
marketing staff  who is helping us understand who our actual marketing audience is, if it’s changed 
through the years and how best to know who it is through this medium.  Rand-Scot now has Chris 
Hickey, Hannah Tolson and Spencer the Photographer Extraordinaire helping propel us into this newly spawned 21st Century, with their expert knowledge of Digital Marketing and product photography.  

Boy, do I have a lot to learn about how to market digitally.  And, I’m learning!  This knowledge opens up a whole new and exciting world that seems to keep exploding into more ways of doing more things than EVER! 

We live in exciting Times.

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